Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Winter Blues

I have winter blues because I have not been able to spend any time in the garden lately. It has been cold and/or wet for the last several weeks and  when there is a nice day, it is usually during the week and not on the weekend. 
I don't get to see much of the garden other than what I can see out this window before work.

I can see a little more if I lean to the right look to the left.

And a little more if I lean to the left and look to the right. The good news is that the sun will come out tomorrow and the temperature will warm into the 60s by the weekend. I have more plans for the weekend than I have hours, but it will be nice to get outside for a while.

Do you have winter blues too?


  1. Yeeesss I do!! I did manage to buy and plant a desert willow on Monday, despite it being cold and having 4 kids under the age of 6 in tow. It felt good!

    I've lurked here on your blog for quite a while. I live in Lewisville and have been converting our lawns into gardens. I'm hoping to start a blog about my progress and encourage other inexperienced gardeners, like yours has been an encouragement to me.

    Looking forward to the sunshine tomorrow... I think I'm solar powered! :)

    1. Good for you, Laurin. Let me know if you get that blog going and I will put a link in my blog links. It was nice to see the sunshine today.

  2. You have such a nice view from your window but your neighbour across the street must have an even better one: of your garden! Wish you lived across the street from me =D I checked the forecast today and it looks like things are starting to warm up again -- here's to hoping anyway.

    1. Debra, when the house across the street was for sale last year, a couple of the listing photos showed glimpses of my garden through the windows. Of course the view would have been a selling point for me.


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