Monday, June 1, 2020

Follow Plano Prairie Garden on Instagram

I have not posted much here lately because it takes too much time. A few people suggested I try Instagram and I finally gave it a try a few weeks ago. 

Instagram has its pros and cons. On the pro side, it is faster and easier to post. I also get feedback as to whether or not people are looking at my posts because they like the pictures. On the con side, Instagram is mostly for posting pictures. The format is not conducive to detailed descriptions. Additionally, you need to post from your phone and I would prefer to use a full sized keyboard for typing. 

I have made 30 Instagram posts since April 22. In the last year, I made 1 post on Blogger. That says a lot about the ease of posting on Instagram. I do have more free time right now than I normally do, so that may influence my Instagram activity too. For now, Instagram is a winner for me.

You can find my page by clicking this link: . One additional con is that you need to create an Instagram account for full utilization of the site. It does not cost anything to use Instagram. Once you get signed in, click to follow planoprairiegarden.