Thursday, January 29, 2015

Is it Spring Yet?

My Buffalo Currant, Ribes aureum, seems to think it is spring. It is still January and the Buffalo Currant already has a few yellow flowers on the branches. 

Yesterday's high temperature was 80. With such a warm temperature in January, it is easy to get a little confused about the seasons. 

Mid-March is the usual peak bloom period for Buffalo Currant in my garden. Until then, it is nice to have an occasional warm day and and see a few spring flowers.


  1. Here just west of Austin I've got bluebonnets that think it is March. If we dodge any more hard freezes it could be a banner year for wildflowers.

  2. Bluebonnets are blooming already? Mine are still flat rosettes. Hope you have a great wildflower season.

  3. My apple trees are in full bloom and I've seen some iris blooming here and there. Another warm up is on the way for us for this first weekend in February. As I watch the national weather, I'm very grateful to be a Texan this year.


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