Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Warmth on a Cold Morning

This possumhaw holly caught my eye on a cold, wet morning earlier this week. I took these pictures later in the day after the rain stopped and the clouds started to clear. 
Normally, possumhaws drop all of their leaves by now leaving only the red berries on the branches.  

This one made an attempt at fall color and held on to some of its now yellow-green leaves for a while.

These pictures don't really capture the color and warmth that I saw and felt on cold, dreary morning.


  1. Such a great little tree to add winter interest to the garden. Until the waxwings arrive that is.

    1. It is my favorite, Rock rose. Just like it is a favorite of the waxwings. Somehow they missed one of my trees last year and it had berries into the summer.

  2. All in favor of color and warmth say aye!

  3. Those bright red berries are a treat in the winter garden. It's on my list as it also grows well here.


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