Monday, June 15, 2009

June 15, 2009 Bloom Day--A Study in Purple

Lemon Beebalm or Horsemint. Monarda citriodora. This plant is usually around a foot tall in the wild. With no extra care, it gets three to four feet tall in my prairie.

Purple Coneflower. Echinacea purpurea.

Gayfeather. Liatris spicata in the rain garden. This particular variety is not native to Texas. It is native to the eastern US (as close as AR and LA) however these were grown by a bulb company in Holland. In the background and to the right is a native gayfeather that will bloom later in the year.

What are those yellow flowers doing in this study in purple? Those are Cowpen Daisies, Verbensia encelioids. Mixed in with the Cowpen Daisies is Horsemint. In the background are Purple Coneflower, Prairie Verbena, Agastache, and Garden Phlox from my grandmother's garden.

Winecup Callirhoe involucrata

Pink Hyssop Agastache barberi 'Tutti Frutti'. This plant is not as vigorous as in past years. It may be time to let one of the seedlings take over.


  1. Your prairie is so cool. How wonderful that your winecup is still blooming!

    The drought here in south-central Texas has kept the wildflowers in our swath to a minimum, except for the Prairie Coneflower. And the Standing Cypress, which I water occasionally to please the hummingbirds.

  2. How are your temps these days? We hit 107 yesterday, for day 12 of over 100+. Is DFW as bad? Do your neighbors appreciate your yard more now that it is in bloom?

  3. The temps are not as high as they are for you guys. The official temp for today was 103. The highest so far this year.

    The yard is getting some attention from people walking down the street. I notice people stopping to look at the flowers and butterflies. A few people even made nice comments about the yard.


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