Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sesame Street

I stood in my yard and looked around my neighborhood this morning. It brought to mind a song from Sesame Street. Sing along if you like.

Ahem. Me Me Me Me. La La La La La La La. OK, ready.

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong.
Can you tell me which thing is not like the others,
By the time I finish my song?
Did you guess which thing is not like the others? Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong?
If you guessed this one is not like the others,
Then you are absolutely...right!


  1. someone had too much time on their hands.

  2. And one of these people watches butterflies and birds while the others have to mow lawns.

  3. SOMEONE has to be the pioneer to sustainable living! Good for you and hopefully the neighbors will learn a bit from your efforts.

  4. Where is the best place to purchase these native plants. When I check a place like lowes the individual plants are so expensive?

  5. Here is a great resource for everyone here, I lived the organic/sustainable life for over ten years, good luck. And Wonderful Work, Bluestem!


  6. Anonymous, I get most of my native plants at native plant sales. The Heard Museum in McKinney has one in the spring and fall. I have a link on the right side of this blog. Many of the Native Plant Society of Texas chapters have sales in the spring too. The Molly Hollar Wildscape has a spring sale and the Fort Worth Native Plant Society group has a sale in the sprng and fall at the FW Botanic Gardens. Check back here and I will post listings. Check my April 2010 archives for a list of sources.

  7. Absolute BEAUTY at its true BEST ... once in a great while, someone..... one in a million comes along - and then we all stand in AMAZEMENT at true BEAUTY IN NATURE ITSELF. Thank you Mr. Michael McDowell for your gift to everyone to behold --- and wonder at all your thoughtfulness --- that most other folks just do not have or would think about. Thank you and thank you again. A neighbor in Plano 75093 ZIP code. Maureen W.

  8. Really enjoyed browsing your site and garden! I am a student of landscape architecture, and was hoping you'd build on to your site a little. I would love to see a photo and description of each plant in your garden, to accompany the pictures you already have.


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