Saturday, June 27, 2009


On Friday the North Texas area experienced its sixth earthquake for the month. The area has had more earthquakes in one month than in the past 100 years. Some believe the unprecedented events are cause by increased natural gas drilling. SMU placed seismic equipment in the area before the last quake. It will be interesting to hear their findings.
The Plano Prairie is too far from the epicenter of the quakes to feel any movement, but the prairie is experiencing its own shifting earth.
The clay that comprises Blackland Prairie is drying out in the summer heat. As the clay dries, it shrinks and cracks.I have not watered this year other than selective hand watering of new transplants. As a result, some of the cracks in the soil are wide enough for my hand to fit.Even with all the cracks, the plants are still healthy and blooming.Growing native and adapted plants sure does make a difference. I don't think begonias could survive these conditions.
If only the foundation of the house could hold up to the shrinking soil without regular watering...


  1. Six earthquakes???? Unheard of! That's an interesting post. Good for you on those healthy plants, that's amazing. You've made better choices than I. I've been trying some tender tropical perennials that aren't too happy about our exceptional 2 year drought right now. I know that neighborhoods in DFW have started drilling wells; is that happening near you, too?

  2. And I thought tornadoes and hail were your worst risks.

    Your garden is spectacular! Your soil must be great and deep. Our mostly-native landscape is suffering...but the soil/clay here in the hill country is two-inches at best. Of course, we've only had about 8 inches of rain so far this year...


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