Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Bluebonnet Season

It has been over a year and a half since I did this blogging thing. I think I forgot how, but I am remembering how much time it takes. This is a practice run because I have another post or two I want to get out this week. See the end of this post for a preview. After I get these posts out, I will probably go back into blog hibernation.

It is bluebonnet season in the garden and, this year, there are more than ever. Last year, I removed some of the pine muhly grasses that were filling the front garden. That left more open spaces for bluebonnet seeds to germinate.

The yellow flowers are golden goundsel. They are said to be a shade plant, so I planted them under a possumhaw holly where they get partial shade. Over the years, they started to reseed in other parts of the garden, most of them in full sun. The red leaves are 'Husker Red' penstemon. 

The view from the street, carefully disguising the sidewalk from view.

More golden goundsel. Pretty soon, the yellow flowers will create fluffy seed heads, similar to dandelions, that will float around the garden looking for a new spot to colonize.

Here is the preview of my next post(s) and it does not have anything to do with my garden. 

This is the old Frankford Church and the Frankford Prairie. You might never guess, but this is in the middle of a neighborhood in far north Dallas, less than a mile from the Dallas North Tollway and about 10 minutes from my house. This picture was taken on 4-14-18 when the wild blue hyacinths, Camassia scilloides, were in bloom. There is a tour this Sunday and I want to get the word out so others can visit and appreciate this hidden treasure. The tour will start inside the church, which is just as amazing as the prairie.


  1. There's nothing that says "springtime" in Texas better than the bluebonnets. Beautiful display. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Texans go crazy for their bluebonnets. I need to take some more pictures. They peaked since the pictures in this post were taken. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. So glad to see you! I've been wondering how your garden was doing!

    Yes, blogging is definitely one of those activities that if you let it lapse it can be hard to pick back up. Hope you pop in more often than every 1.5 years!

    1. Hi Misti. The garden is basically finished and I have been in maintenance mode, so not much to post about. There have been times I thought about posting something and then did not. I have now made three posts in less than a week, so I think I am caught up for the next year!

  3. I love the golden goundsel, but bluebonnets to definitely the sign Texas springtime. Glad to see you back!


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