Monday, September 4, 2017

What are you looking at?

Perhaps, I should ask if anybody is looking?


  1. Replies
    1. I hope he has been eating yucca plant bugs. They found my yuccas last year and have been feasting on them since. I am about ready to dig them out.

  2. Yes, we're still here! Hope you and your garden is doing well.

    1. I am doing fine. The garden is sort of finished and there has not been much to write about. Hard to believe it has been a year.

  3. Yea! You're back! I have missed your garden updates and 'beacon of nature' in an ocean of boring lawns. I'd love to see what you've been up to. Keep on posting!
    David/Tropical Texana :0)

    1. I am not really back. Just visiting for a bit. Not much going on in the garden. Just maintenance at this point.

  4. He looks like he has a little attitude doesn't he! Hope your garden is doing well this year!

  5. Yes! Still checking in. Adorable little visitor.

  6. I've been checking in regularly to see if there were any updates. Your garden has been one of my biggest inspirations.

    1. Sorry there have not been any updates for so long. I thought about it several times and it never happened. It was rather nice having one less thing to worry about.

  7. Ah well, it is just nice and comforting to read that the garden is still going strong. All the best.

  8. Hi, Michael. This is Bob Liu. :)

    I was trying to search something on your site and found this new blog. Is there a way it will automatically send an email to persons who subscribe for updates?

  9. So cute! I enjoy anoles in my garden too. Keeping those bugs down.

  10. Hi, Michael! Every now and then, I check back to see whether you've updated because I really love your garden & your photography. But like you, I'm not really updating either and have moved over to Instagram when I post pictures. Are you over there somewhere?

    1. Hi Lori. I just saw your post. Blogger did not notify me that I had a comment awaiting moderation. Nope, I am not posting anywhere else. I am not even taking as many pictures as I used to, but the garden lives on!


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