Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas to All

This year marks the second year for my Christmas Cactus, Opuntia christmaslightii. For an added touch, I pulled out some old clear lights and laid the strings along the ground over a good portion of the front garden. I really like the way the lights make the dried grasses and flowers glow in the dark, although my photography skills would not allow me to suitably capture the effect in a photo. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!


  1. Looks like fun! Will the lights be out on the ol' Christmas prairie a few more nights?

    1. Collagemama, I will have the lights on through the weekend, if I remember to flip the switch each night. Merry Christmas!

  2. You too, over in Cactus and Cowboys land!

  3. That looks great! I like the idea of running rows of lights through the grasses and might try that in my island bed next year instead of an extension cord.

  4. Belated greetings but a Happy New Year to you and your garden.

  5. I love your native garden. It seems every time I google a native plant for information, I end up at your blog. I'm in the process of starting my own native garden in my yard and I was wondering about all the seed heads you remove; have you, or do you ever give them away?

    1. Anonymous, all of the seeds that do not land on the ground or are not eaten by birds end up in the compost pile. Do you want some seeds? I will give them to anyone that asks or will take them. I may not have much besides gayfeather right now. Maybe some coneflower, zexmenia, clammyweed, eryngo, and cowpen daisy.


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