Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Day Feast

I noticed two field sparrows feasting on the seeds of bushy bluestem grass. The photos are not the best because they were taken through windows and window screen at full digital zoom.
This was the first time I had noticed birds eating bushy bluestem seeds. Had it been spring, I would have thought they were collecting the fluffy parts to line their nest.

When I first started planting native plants, I generally made my selections based on availability, attractiveness, and odds of surviving. 

Later, I began to notice how the native plants attracted wildlife and I began to consider how my selections served as food and shelter sources for the wildlife. In some ways, my garden became a small oasis in a desert of lawns and concrete.

I hope you enjoy your day of family, friends, and feast. Happy Thanksgiving Day!


  1. I love that native grass! I see it often down here in the Hill Country.

  2. I'm thankful for your wonderful photos and insight all year, and the good bird seed news.

  3. Beautiful pics. Thanks for posting!

  4. Hurrah! Mystery solved. I always wondered what that plant was called. Thank you.


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