Thursday, June 2, 2016

Hearts from Hail

The hail from this past March left lasting marks on the paddles of my spineless prickly pear cactus. It also seems that it may have affected the growth of this year's new paddles that had yet to emerge when the hail hit.

If you look at the outermost paddles, you will see many that are not the typical upside down teardrop shape. There are several that are misshapen. 

Many of the paddles have a notch out of the top which gives them a heart shape appearance.

Hearts from hail? 

I can't say for sure. All I know is than none of the paddles were heart shaped before the hail storm.


  1. They're happy to have made it through. The Liatris is going strong too.

    1. The Liatris is growing like weeds. It will probably be pretty tall or floppy by the time it blooms in September/October.


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