Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Bluebonnet Time

Texas' favorite wildflower is in full bloom. Yes, it's bluebonnet time in North Texas.

This is the time of year when more passersby comment about my garden or, rather, the bluebonnets. Everyone loves bluebonnets.

From this angle, it almost looks like my entire front yard is full of bluebonnets. If only that was the case.

When I stand up, it is clear that there are very few bluebonnets growing in the main portion of the garden.

They are growing primarily in the parkway between the street and sidewalk where there is less competition from other plants, no mulch, and better drainage.

The parkway is packed with bluebonnets. So many that they are blocking the flagstone pathways that I created to get visitors from the street to the sidewalk. Another reason I added this flagstone was so neighborhood mothers would have a place to plop their children when they take pictures of them in the bluebonnets. In the past, I have seen mothers place their children on the curb or in thin spots in the bluebonnets so they could take pictures of their children. The flagstones will give the children a little more space to sit.

Bluebonnets are not too picky about where they grow as long as they get a lot of sun and good drainage. For me, they grow best in the decomposed granite in the parkway. They will even grow in cracks in the sidewalk.

They also grow in my decomposed granite pathways.

But no matter how many seeds I throw in the main part of the garden, very few grow in the soil. Maybe next year.


  1. I transplanted so many volunteer bluebonnets out of the granite paths in our back areas and into beds that my husband proposed we simply swap their function and use the beds to walk on and the paths to grow flowers. And he was only half joking...

    I tried for years to get bluebonnet stands out front. It was only when I stopped mulching and put a layer of pea gravel out to throw the seed into, that germination rates picked up. I am enamored of your stands of liatris though. I can't wait to see how they come back for you this year!

    1. I understand where your husband is coming from regarding walking on the beds instead of the paths. I have thought about that, myself. I may throw some granite in the main beds to see if that will help with the bluebonnets.
      I am not sure how the liatris will do this year. Several of the plants are getting pretty old. Although I regret the thousands of seedlings that are popping up now, I probably need them to rejuvenate the stand. I think it usually takes a couple of years before the plant is mature enough to bloom.

  2. Great illusion and so thoughtful to provide a kiddie photo spot. It also keeps the trampling to a minimum. The gravel crevice garden we built last year is covered with wildflowers.

    1. I bet your crevice garden looks great now. A neighbor told me that he saw a mother taking pictures of her child in the bluebonnets today. He said he felt like a park ranger making sure they did not trample the flowers.

  3. Great fun! This grandma might have to plop down on the flagstone. You should charge a quarter!

  4. Such beauty in disturbeds spaces...your bluebonnets, or our desert marigolds and bahia! The illusion of the 2nd shot is a hoot...and quite stunning...a blog back east called it the "rabbit's eye view".

    1. Ugh, the rabbits. They are out in force this year. It is always a battle to keep the expectant mamas out of the backyard. Those babies can do a lot of damage and they are hard to chase out the gate.


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