Monday, April 14, 2014

Mid-April Freeze Warning

Here it is April 14 and we have a freeze warning for tomorrow morning. The temperature was in the 80s over the weekend and it will be around 30 in the morning. I hope it will not be cold long enough to do much damage. Just in case t, I took some last minute photos of the garden to document this year's spring wildflowers. Take a look.

The vegetable garden. Peppers are safe in the garage. Tomatoes, onions, shallots, and garlic are all tucked in under their blankets. The asparagus just gets a cover over the top because some of the spears are already five feet tall. 


  1. Frustrating! Thankfully we won't be dipping into the freezing mark, but we were 40 last night and supposed to be 38* tonight. We didn't do anything to plants last night but may tonight for a few more tender items.

    Hopefully everything made it through for you!

    1. Good luck with your cold spell, Misti. I don't see any damage here. Spring continues...

  2. Temps dropped to 36 degrees in my garden last night. My veggies and greenhouse were snug and warm, but everything else was on it's own. Surprisingly, even the unprotected tropicals seem to do okay. I guess we'll see what happens tonight. I hope all is well with you. Wildflowers are pretty tough, so hopefully your show will go on. Everything looks fabulous!

    1. Good luck to you too, Ally. I hope this was the last cold spell for the season.

  3. We've had two nights of cold. Down to 32 Tuesday morning, and 30 this morning. I have to say, I'm tired of this. And, it's not as bad as some areas of the state or country.
    Hope you didn't have any damage. Everything looks beautiful.

    1. I am tired of this too. It is time for winter to end. Looks like my plants came though just fine. Hope yours did too.

  4. Michael we got down to 27 with little damage. yeah. Your bluebonnets really blew up this year didn't they? I loved this time of the year when I lived in San Antonio. My mother is a winter Texas so she keeps me informed of bloom times. I have zone envy however, I lost a giant Hesperaloe and variegated Yucca to the winter. I put all my Agaves in the house under lights and was able to overwinter two Bamboo Muhly grass in my cellar. Hope you have time to complete your projects.

  5. Okay. Are we DONE with freezes now??? We can only hope :-) Wow, gorgeous stand of bluebonnets!! I did not get a single one this year for some reason. But my poppies and larkspur, although late this year, are just about to pop open, so I'm excited for that. I wrapped my tomato cages and covered everything else, and whew!, so far so good :-) Happy spring...finally!


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