Monday, November 11, 2013

Season Finale

This morning I stepped onto the patio for a deep breath of life before leaving for work. It was an absolutely beautiful morning.

As I stood there soaking it in, I realized that this is all about to come to an abrupt end because an Arctic cold front will blow through on Tuesday. Temperatures that were in the low 70s today are expected to fall into the mid 20s by Wednesday morning. This will be our earliest freeze in 13 years and the season finale for the garden.

Since it will all be mush in a couple of days, I took a few quick pictures to capture the moment. So here are some pictures from this morning and a few others from the weekend.

The Fragrant Mistflower just started blooming in the last week and now their long awaited blooming will be cut short.

This is 
Blue Mistflower, Chromolaena odorata. It is the very last flower to begin blooming in my garden each year. Last year, it was blooming into December and was always covered in butterflies. I will cover the plant tomorrow in hopes of pulling it through the freeze.

There is a little fall color in the garden. This is American Beautyberry.

The flowers are Autumn Sage.

The leaves of the Toothache Tree are beginning to turn yellow.

This was my new pet, Wilbur. He wandered into the backyard Sunday afternoon. He was either brave or sick because he did not move much.

I thought he was kind of cute for a rat. He is now making fertilizer for my garden. Thanks, Wilbur. It was interesting to see you, but I hope your friends and family don't come calling for a visit. 


  1. Your garden looks beautiful, the early freeze is going to be tough on those late bloomers. Time for a rest and plan for next year. I added the Blue Mistflower this year and it looks wonderful right now. I think we will avoid a freeze here which is great since this is the first year my garden has looked filled in.

    Wilbur might just try to get in the house if it gets too cold. Yikes!

    1. I just realized I gave my pet rat the wrong name. He was supposed to be called Willard. Wilbur is a pig. It matters not. He is giving his heart and soul to make compost.

      It is sad that this one or two day cold spell will freeze off all the flowers because it will be warm again by the end of the week.

  2. Thanks for the lovely last glimpse. I will cover my mistflowers tonight.

    1. I covered a few plants too. Mostly mistflowers. I am not ready to let the flowers go yet.

  3. I was surprised when I saw we were expecting cold weather so early. I don't remember it getting this bad until December last year. Last year was really my first year paying attention to weather here in Texas as I hadn't gardened fully here before then. I was in Florida prior to that, which is a completely different beast. I can't tell exactly where the freeze line is but I believe it is *just* above me...nevertheless we'll be putting up all of the tropicals tonight. I'll probably whack off some basil to dry too. The bees will be disappointed their African blue basil will be toast tomorrow.

    1. The average first freeze in DFW is around November 22. Average is the key word. Last year the first freeze was not until early December and this year, it is early November.

      I imagine gardening in Texas is very different from Florida. Hope some of your basil survived the cold.

  4. Not looking forward to putting the gardens to bed until next Spring. Keep posting. Really appreciate your content and ideas for natives.

  5. It only got to about 32 last Wed. and Thurs. mornings ,and though some things were bitten , many came through ok. I hope you have some color left. I covered my tomatoes, which are heavy with green fruit and they survived. In`91 , the last time I did Fall tomatoes ,we got a 28 degree freeze on Oct. 30. Go figure !

  6. Gardening sure makes a person tolerant...that is for sure! Your garden looks so beautiful in the morning the looks of your beebrush? it smelled lovely too? Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Michael. :)


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