Thursday, July 4, 2013


Freedom to choose...

wildflowers, cactus, yuccas, prairie grasses, a stock tank planter, and no lawn for your front yard...

unless you choose to live under the tyranny of a homeowners association.

Happy Independence Day to my fellow citizens of the United States of America. Happy Thursday, July 4, 2013 to the rest of the world.


  1. Yes, so important to celebrate our independence now matter how we choose to express it.

    A couple years ago a neighbor suggested we should establish lawn standards here. I told her I'd rather see weeds! I don't think that was the answer she was looking for.

    1. That's funny Shirley. A neighbor once bemoaned our watering restrictions because if we did not water our lawns we would just have prairie again. I thought that was a good idea, but I kept quiet.

  2. Happy Independence to you and thanks for posting.

  3. Happy Independence right back at ya'! Isn't it strange how we can choose to impose tyranny upon ourselves through such institutions as homeowners' associations?! Glad to see you posting again. It's good to see how your garden's doing.

    1. It is amazing how often people complain about the HOAs that they voluntarily moved into and support with their dues. The garden is going into its summer dormancy period. I can't wait for it to come back to life in the fall.

  4. Hi! That flower resembling a chleome is amazing, what is it? Your garden always looks great, even with few flowers, like in the first pic.

    1. Alberto, that is clammy weed, Polanisia dodecandra. It does look a lot like cleome except the flowers are less showy.

  5. I`ve lived private for so long that I can`t imagine living under a home owner`s assc. The Liatris is looking awesome and my Flame acanthus is finally blooming , also. Hope you had a great 4th.

    1. I don't think I would ever live under a HOA and who wants to pay the dues either. The Liatris are getting tall. I hope they stay vertical through their blooming season. They usually start to lean to the north. I suppose because the south winds blow over the house.


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