Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

Possumhaw Holly, Ilex decidua 

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2012!


  1. Very pretty picture. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas, too!

  2. Merry Christmas to you, too!! Looking forward to reading your posts in the coming year :-)

  3. Great photo.
    In fact, it's a berry, berry nice one. :-)
    Happy New Year as well.

  4. I just found your blog and was immediately pulled in by the photography. It is perfection! Will be back again and look forward to following along.

  5. Tim N - Las ColinasJanuary 4, 2012 at 3:59 PM

    You have a fantastic yard. Last year I left you a post and told you I would like to do something along your lines, but on a slightly smaller scale. I am on my way. I removed several plants and trees that did not survive last year. Next week in my back yard two anchors are being planted - a Mexican White Oak and a Lacey Oak. They are both supposed to be drought tolerant. I also have several yucca plants to be spread around.
    I have a question. I would like a tall, thin plant or very small tree to act as a screen. I would like it to grow to be 10 to 12 feet tall, but not very wide - maybe 3 feet at the most. I would also like something that is suitable for the metroplex - i.e. drought tolerant. Would you happen to have any ideas?

  6. Tim, I planted a lacey oak at my prior residence. I really like the tree. The leaves start out a peachy color in the spring and then turn blue green in the summer. I don't have any experience with the Mexican white oak.

    Tall, narrow plants don't look natural to me so I don't have a good recommendation. If that kind of plant works for you, you could look at Will Flemming yaupon holly.

    Good luck with your garden.


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