Wednesday, December 2, 2009

First Snow

The prairie had its first snow of the season this morning. It did not stay around long. Every bit was melted shortly after 10 AM. Fortunately, I took a couple of pictures of the white stuff before I left for work.

In all my 20 (times 2 and plus a couple more) years, I do not recall an earlier snowfall in Dallas.


  1. According to the newspaper, there was a bit of snow close to where I live in Northern California yesterday, which is extremely rare (and there was certainly not enough to take a photo like the charming ones in your post). Some are enjoying the rarity, but I'm just worried about my citrus and brugmansia. What can I say? When it comes to seasons, I love having a spring, summer and fall but am honest enough to admit I'd rather just read about winter.

  2. I don't mind the winter so much. It gives me a chance to rest and plan the next project. Snow, however, is not as much fun as it was when I was a kid. Back then, I could stay home and enjoy the snow. Today, I have to drive to work in it with all the bad drivers.

    Good luck with your tender plants.


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