I stood in my yard and looked around my neighborhood this morning. It brought to mind a song from Sesame Street. Sing along if you like.
Ahem. Me Me Me Me. La La La La La La La. OK, ready.
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong.
Can you tell me which thing is not like the others,
By the time I finish my song?
Did you guess which thing is not like the others?Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong? If you guessed this one is not like the others, Then you are absolutely...right!
The front prairie is starting to take shape. At this time last year, I was digging out St. Augustine and Bermuda grass. Now I am enjoying flowers and the wildlife they attract.
Weeds continue to pop up between the four-nerve daisies, winecups, and Little Bluestem. They are easy enough to control with a daily walk through the prairie.
This is my first year to grow winecup. They had a slow start because the rabbits kept nibbling on their stems. They still keep a couple of plants closely cropped. My understanding is that winecup will fizzle out in June. It will be interesting to see what fills the void.
I have a couple of Black Samson Echinacea (Echinacea augustifolia) in the prairie. The flowers are a little smaller and not as colorful as the commercially common Echinacea purpurea, however Black Samson is the variety that grows wild in this area.
This is a plant I "resuced" from a field last fall. I did not know what it was, but it had a dried flower stalk so I brought it home to see if it was anything interesting. I think it is a type of plantago or plantain. Here is a close up of the flowers. It is interesting enough. I just hope it does not pop up all over the place.