Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Garden Pathways

The concrete stepping stones served their purpose for a while, but they are difficult to traverse and their narrow width is quickly overgrown by nature.

The solution: carve out wider pathways in the soil and add decompsed granite. The decomposed granite pathways will provide open up the garden and provide a more natural look.

As I mark the new, wider pathways with water hoses, I am changing the shape of the pathways and the beds around them. This puts some of the plants in the middle of the pathways, so they will need to be moved. Of course, when you move one plant, there are always others that need to be moved too. I better get a move on so everything is moved and in its new location before the spring growth starts. It won't be long.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you will definitely be making some big changes in your garden. Isn't is amazing how empty the garden can look in the winter, and in a month it will look like a full, showy garden again? I'm always embarrassed for someone to see my garden in the winter - without snow to cover things up, it just looks like a bunch of dirt!


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