I used to have a lawn, but now I have more...
...more plant diversity, 
...more wildlife,
...more pathways for wandering and more time for wondering.
Now, I have so much more than I could ever have with a lawn.
Earlier this month the Lawn Reform Coalition launched its website. The goal of the organization is to promote change in the American lawn.
The typical American lawn is doused with chemicals to make it green and free of insects and disease. Lawns are flooded in more of our precious drinking water than necessary to keep them green. Lawns require regular maintenance that creates noise and air pollution. After all that work, the lawn is a sterile, monoculture environment that does little to support wildlife and it looks just like the one next door.
Susan Morrison, one of the members of The Coalition, is running a contest on her blog Blue Planet Garden Blog to win a copy of John Greenlee's new book The American Meadow Garden. The premise of the contest is to fill in the blank: "I used to have a lawn, but now I have ______." Thus, the purpose of this post. I believe in the cause and I want a free book!
Check out the Lawn Reform Coalition website and Susan Morrison's website for more information.